Long flat intestinal worm
Long flat intestinal worm

They are made up from segments, which are shed at intervals and pass into your dog’s poop. The flea tapeworm are long, flat, white worms , and can be up to 50cm long. Incredibly, a tapeworm has six sets of teeth that it uses to attach itself to the intestinal lining! Living in the dog’s gut, tapeworms feed off the food the host animal eats, reducing the number of nutrients available.

long flat intestinal worm

The most common type of tapeworm in dogs is the flea tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. Infected dogs may not show any symptoms, but some may develop itching around the bottom, vomiting and weight loss. Tapeworms are intestinal parasites, and there are several different types of tapeworm that can affect dogs.

Long flat intestinal worm